My agent had scheduled me for a lunch meeting at Ed Silver Productions to discuss Sylvester Stallone's upcoming project, ‘Arsenal: The Return.’ Ed himself would be there. He wanted to speak with me, man-to-man, to size me up for the job.
On the way to Ed's office, I stopped at the Torino Deli and grabbed a bagel-and-lox to go. Sebastian took my order. He wrapped up my bagel with a pickle and added my usual Prince Iced Tea. I paid at the cash register. Sebastian nodded at me and said, "Go with God." I smiled at him. "Sure thing."
I started walking along Hollywood Boulevard. Suddenly I spotted Julia Roberts and her curly auburn hair walking a few yards in front of me. Julia had just stepped out of Nata's Big Salads and was striding along the sidewalk carrying a brown lunchbag. I hurried off toward her.
Near Vine Street, I drew up next to her. As I did so, I leaned toward her and said, "UH-OH...LOOK takeout lunch is RAPIDLY catching up with yours, and...look's taking the lead's leaving yours in the dust..." I turned to her and smiled, giving her my 'I'm-as-good-as-candy' smile. Then I pivoted and started to race ahead of her.
But Julia whirled at me. "JESUS. WHAT THE HELL?"
I slowed down and looked back at her. "What's the matter?"
"Baby, I'm not that scary looking. Some people think I'm kinda handsome—"
Julia pointed a finger at me. Her hand was shaking. "I thought you were a terrorist or something. DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE WORLD? What the hell's wrong with you?"
"Oh come on. I was racing your lunchbag."
Julia squinted at me. "WHAT?"
"I was racing your lunchbag. And mine was clearly winning. Freddie and I were passing you like a Volkswagen stalled on the Santa Ana."
Julia put her hand to her forehead. "God, you're just some nut."
"No I'm not. I used to race Tom Hanks along Los Feliz all the time. He'd have a chicken salad on wheat bread from Paco's. I'd have a burrito from Si Senor. A burrito's much more aerodynamic. I'd leave him sucking wind like a gullyfish."
Julia started walking away from me. Her shoes made quick scuffing sounds against the sidewalk. I called after her. "Uh-oh, Julia's making a late surge..."
I balanced my lunch and started racing after her. I was amazed: Julia was moving like Ben Affleck at The Swizzle Stick. I shouted after her, "Baby, no one's taken me in almost seven years...YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE..." I began to really move. "I'm carrying a 32-ounce Iced Tea, and I'm STILL gonna catch you...No one's gonna take me on my HOME TURF."
Soon I was sweating. But I was gaining ground. I watched Julia switch her lunchbag from one hand to the other. I recognized that move: she was beginning to falter. It was only a matter of time.
I stepped through the Del Rey intersection and, by the next corner, had drawn up parallel to her. I nodded quickly. "Thanks for playing." Then I breezed past her.
I hit the sidewalk and accelerated, leaving her trailing in my wake.